Saint-making as institutional work? – referat Franka Meiera i Thorstena Peetza

24 października (czwartek) gościmy dwóch socjologów z Niemiec. Frank Meier (Uniwersytet Bundeswehry im. Helmuta Schmidta w Hamburgu) i Thorsten Peetz (Unwersytet Bremeński) wygłoszą referat pt. „Saint-making as institutional work?„. Frank Meier [BIO] i Thorsten Peetz [BIO] są socjologami organizacji zajmującymi się studiami nad społecznymi ewaluacjami. Pierwszy głos w dyskusji zabierze Stanisław Obirek [BIO] (Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich UW).

Abstract: Saint-making, the transformation of deceased believers into canonized and globally venerated saints, is a highly complex process of valuation, with an elaborate formal procedure at its core. The presentation discusses the role of saint-making projects, i.e. sustained and deliberate efforts of promoting the veneration and canonization of a specific person, in this process. It highlights the institutionalized and organized character of these projects. Taking the sociology of valuation and more specifically the concept of valuation constellations (Meier/Peetz/Waibel 20016; Waibel/Peetz /Meier in preparation) as its point of departure, the presentation explores the value of institutional work (DiMaggio 1988; Lawrence/Suddaby 2006) as a concept for understanding saint-making projects and discusses what institutional theory can learn from a constellation perspective on saint-making.

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Désirée Waibel, Thorsten Peetz, Frank Meier, Valuation Constellations

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