28 maja (czwartek) odbędzie się kolejne instytucjonalne webinarium, na którym
wystąpienie pt. „Stalling the State: how Uber profits from delaying the enforcement and adoption of regulation” wygłoszą Marcin Serafin (IFiS PAN), socjolog kierujący Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life, oraz Joanna Mazur (UW), prawniczka, specjalistka od rynków cyfrowych pracująca przy projekcie DELab.
Pierwszy głos w dyskusji zabierze Renata Włoch (UW).
Spotkanie ma charakter otwarty i odbędzie się na platformie ZOOM w godzinach 13:00-15:00 (Meeting ID: 975 3181 5678). Osoby zainteresowane udziałem prosimy o kontakt z organizatorami w celu uzyskania hasła i pełnej treści referatu (e-mail: is@spoleczenstwo.pl lub mikolajpawlak@uw.edu.pl).
This paper argues that the speed of the so-called “digital revolution” is facilitated not only by technological innovation, capital investment and advertisement, but also by digital platforms actively slowing political and legal processes down. To capture this phenomenon, we introduce the notion of stalling strategies. Drawing on a case study of Uber in Poland, we distinguish five such stalling strategies: avoiding classification, dragging out court proceedings, stealing time of city’s officials, delaying new regulation and taking time (not) to comply. We argue that, through stalling, Uber has been able to earn time that it has then spent not only generating revenue but also accumulating platform power, thereby making it more difficult for the state to regulate it. By analysing the case of Uber, this article contributes to discussions about the politics of platform capitalism, the temporal order of the digital transformation, and the literature on institutional drift.