It is all about money! What drives interest groups relations with political parties in Central and Eastern Europe? – referat Pawła Kamińskiego

18 czerwca (czwartek) wyjątkowo o godz. 15:00 odbędzie się kolejne seminarium w formie zdalnej. Wystąpienie pt. „It is all about money! What drives interest groups relations with political parties in Central and Eastern Europe?” wygłosi Paweł Kamiński (ISP PAN). Pierwszy głos w dyskusji zabierze Wojciech Gagatek (WNPiSM UW).

Spotkanie ma charakter otwarty i odbędzie się na platformie ZOOM w godzinach 15:00-17:00 (Meeting ID: 922 5901 9049). Osoby zainteresowane udziałem prosimy o kontakt z organizatorami w celu uzyskania hasła i pełnej treści referatu (e-mail: lub


The paper analyzes factors behind relations between interest groups and political parties in three post-Communist countries from Central Eastern Europe (CEE): Poland, Slovenia and Lithuania. To do so, the comparative survey of national interest groups is used. The fundamental question of the article is whether young democracies have been able to develop complex linkages involving parties and groups in comparison to West European democracies. We find that interest groups and political parties in CEE live rather in separate worlds. However, if interest groups express interest in contacting political parties, it is mostly explained by organizations’ financial means.

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