The political economy of illiberalism in Hungary and East-Central Europe – referat Gabora Scheiringa

Na spotkaniu, które odbędzie się 24 marca 2022 r. referat zatytułowany: „The political economy of illiberalism in Hungary and East-Central Europe” wygłosi (foto: Scheiring (Bocconi University, Milan), węgierski badacz zajmujący się ekonomią polityczną, populizmem oraz globalizacją.  Poniżej zamieszczamy(foto: krótką notkę biograficzną oraz abstrakt wystąpienia, nawiązującego do książki: The Retreat of Liberal Democracy (2020). Dyskusję rozpocznie koreferatem Tomasz Sawczuk (Kultura Liberalna). Spotkanie poprowadzi Weronika Grzebalska (ISP PAN).

Seminarium wciąż odbywa się w trybie zdalnym, w związku z tym zapraszamy do łączenia się za pomocą platformy ZOOM. Zaczynamy tradycyjnie o godzinie 13:00. Osoby zainteresowane udziałem prosimy o kontakt z organizatorami  (, lub w celu uzyskania danych do logowania.

Językiem spotkania będzie angielski.

…and if you don’t speak Polish:

At the webinar on March 24th Gabor Scheiring (Bocconi University, Milan) will present a paper: „The political economy of illiberalism in Hungary and East-Central Europe”. You can find a short biographical note and the abstract below. The paper is related to the book: The Retreat of Liberal Democracy (2020), which recetly has received the George Blazyca Prize [link].

The discussion will be opened with a commentary delivered by Tomasz Sawczuk (Kultura Liberalna). The meeting will be hosted by Weronika Grzebalska (IPS PAS).

The webinar starts at 13:00. If you are interested in participating, please contact the organizers to obtain the ZOOM link (at:  or


Gabor Scheiring (Ph.D., Cambridge), is a Marie Curie Fellow at Bocconi University. His research addresses the political-economic determinants of inequality in health and wellbeing, and how these shape democracy and capitalist diversity. His book, The Retreat of Liberal Democracy (Palgrave, 2020) shows how working-class dislocation and business elite polarization enable illiberalism. As a member of the Hungarian Parliament (2010-2014) he advocated for a socially just transition to sustainability. Personal webpage:


Why has liberal democracy retreated in Hungary and East-Central Europe? Challenging and extending existing interpretations, Gabor Scheiring’s book argues that Hungary’s new authoritarian regime emerged as a political response to the tensions of globalization. The book demonstrates how Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz exploited the rising nationalism among the working-class casualties of deindustrialization and the national bourgeoisie to consolidate illiberal hegemony. The book combines quantitative and qualitative approaches in a theory-building process tracing framework, relying on a rich and diverse dataset, which is the result of three years of empirical research. While each country is different, insights from Hungary help us also understand democratic backsliding in the Visegrad region. The presentation concludes with a comparative framework on the political economy of illiberalism in East-Central Europe.

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