The institutionalization of an envisioned future – wystąpienie Ulricha Meyera (TUM)

26 października (czwartek) podczas seminarium „Nowy instytucjonalizm – teorie i badania” wystąpi dr Ulrich Meyer (Uniwersytet Techniczny w Monachium) z prezentacją pt. „The institutionalization of an envisioned future. Sensemaking and field formation in the case of Industrie 4.0 in Germany”. Autor (zob. bio i wybrane publikacje) jest socjologiem, który w swoich badaniach łączy socjologię organizacji ze studiami nad nauką i techniką.

Spotkanie rozpocznie się o godzinie 13:00 w sali seminaryjnej ISP PAN (Polna 18/20). Językiem spotkania będzie angielski. Pierwszy głos w dyskusji zabierze dr Karolina J. Dudek.

Abstrakt wystąpienia: Technology based, envisioned futures have a significant influence on the dynamic of technological development and, as a consequence, on societies. If such envisioned futures are successful, they contribute to the formation of a field based on this topic. Within such a field, organizations orient their activities on the envisioned future and coordinate their activities. This article uses the example of the term “Industrie 4.0” in Germany to analyze why, how and when such an imagined future emerges, diffuses and stabilizes. To do so, the paper adds concepts from organization studies (OS) to already existing concepts from science and technology studies (STS) . In STS a variety of concepts exists which describe technological futures. Examples are “Imaginaries”(Jasanoff & Kim, 2009), “Visions”(Dierkes, 1988; Dierkes, Hoffmann, & Marz, 1996), “expectations in technological development” (H. van Lente, 2000; H. R. van Lente, Arie, 1998),or “organizing vision” (Swanson & Ramiller, 1997). In this paper, I argue that for a more detailed understanding of envisioned futures’ impact on the present, an analysis of the role and the activities of organizations and the formation of organizational fields in such processes is essential. I show how Weick’s concept of sensemaking and the related ideas of enactment, and sensegiving can add to this idea of field formation. This combination allows a better understanding of organization’s roles in such processes.

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